Jednak wrzucam na bloga, proszę nie zwracać uwagi na błędy, bo listu jeszcze nie poprawiłam. Chodzi mi o samą treść. Proszę o opinie, bo sama już nie wiem czy zamieściłam zbyt dużo informacji bądź czy coś pominęłam. Nie chciałam się za bardzo płaszczyć przed rodzinką w tym liście i wydaje mi się,że nie przekoloryzowałam rzeczywistości. Ogólnie mam na głowie jeszcze filmik. Zamierzam się w nim skupić głównie na przedstawieniu siebie, bo rodzinę i opiekę nad dziećmi chyba wystarczająco opisałam. KOMENTOWAĆ jeśli możecie!!! ;))
Dear Host Family,
I finished school a three years ago and now I am
working in the beauty salon. I am a
beautican. I was studied in Borchelor
Degree on cosmetology but in last year I had break my education. I did not have time on the weekends because I
had to work. Two years ago I was
graduated a course of cosmetics. When I go back to Poland after the programme
“Au Pair”, I want graduate my study and working in my profession. But I will be take care of the children all
my life. Always when I will be have time.
In the following I will describe you my children
In asocattion withs kids I have much experience. My aunt has a two son, Maciek
i Krzysio. Maciek was born in
2000(today 13 years) and Krzysio was born in 2001(today 12 years). I have witnessed how the boys were grown up
and I took care of them like they were young children. I was spent many holidays with them. I took
care of them daily when I could.
Next, I took care of boy, he name is Aleksander(now,6
years). My care of he, started in 2008, when he was a 1 year. This lasted three
years. I have contact with him for
today. I must write as him Dad is English and him Mom is Polish. I took care of
Aleksander on the weekends, the holidays summer and winter. When I graduated a high school I was with
Aleksander daily for 8 hours. It was very fun time.
In 2011, I took care of the girl which went to school.
She was 8 years. I picked up it from school and I helped her with to do
homework. I spent with Emily daily for 4
hours. I took care of Emily for 10 months.
In last year I taked care of a little girl, her name
is Lena. She was born in june 2012. My care of her was started when she has a
one month. I stopped care of Lena, when my sister-in-law has given birth of my
nephew. His name is Franek. He was born on November in 2012. I helped for them in care on fully
responsibility. Both of them are working. In February 2013 I went to work on
the my profession.
With children which I took care, I helped them in
their housework. Very often, I rode on the holiday at the sea or at the
mountain with them. In summer winter, we drove on a sleed, we did a sleigh ride
and played in the snow. I was preparing meals for my boys and girls. I cooked for them a dinner and snack or
breakfast. Very often, I baked a cake or
cookies for them. I put them to
bed. I drove with them on the swimming
pool, zoo and many other places for kids. We were rode a bicycle together. I was with them when they were sick. When I
took care a nuddler I prepared bottle-feed and I took a walk with them. Of
course, I changed diapers. And I did everything
it with care of children.
My passion is cosmetology. I do
Beauty treatments and read about new products in cosmetics. I try to lead an active
I practice callanetics, these are exercises like Pilates. Besides as it is warm biking and rollerblading. In the winter I often go to the pool. I listen to a lot of music. She is accompanied by me all day. I like Polish and foreign music. I listen to mostly pop and reggae. I read a lot of books, especially detective stories and thrillers. My favorite author is Harlan Coben. Of course I read the books that are on the top.
I like to sing and dance. My dream is to finish the course of ballroom dancing. I do not watch TV, but I like going to the movies my friends. I go often to concerts with friends. Happily dating them often, then a lot of talking while sitting in cozy restaurants. . Because I am interested in a healthy lifestyle is often cook. When I cook,invite my family and friends who eat everything with gusto. We go together later in the outdoors. Sometimes I drive to the shelter for dogs as a volunteer. Then I go out with the dogs for a walk.
But most in my life, I like people and I appreciate the contact with children.
I practice callanetics, these are exercises like Pilates. Besides as it is warm biking and rollerblading. In the winter I often go to the pool. I listen to a lot of music. She is accompanied by me all day. I like Polish and foreign music. I listen to mostly pop and reggae. I read a lot of books, especially detective stories and thrillers. My favorite author is Harlan Coben. Of course I read the books that are on the top.
I like to sing and dance. My dream is to finish the course of ballroom dancing. I do not watch TV, but I like going to the movies my friends. I go often to concerts with friends. Happily dating them often, then a lot of talking while sitting in cozy restaurants. . Because I am interested in a healthy lifestyle is often cook. When I cook,invite my family and friends who eat everything with gusto. We go together later in the outdoors. Sometimes I drive to the shelter for dogs as a volunteer. Then I go out with the dogs for a walk.
But most in my life, I like people and I appreciate the contact with children.
I want to be an Au Pair because I like spend time with
kids and of course, the kids like me too. I am responsible person who would
never let the kids alone. I am more a cautiously person which
handless everything with ear. I am very patient
and friendly. I am stable and in stressfull situation I know what I must do. I
think that are good conditions for being an Au Pair. I would not have a problem
to leave my family for living a year in your family because in my opinion I am
a flexible person. I want spending one year in a typical American family because
I want know American culture. I want see a interesting and beautifull places
which is have a America.Furthermore this year could be a big opportunity for me
because besides taking care of children I could improve my English-skills,
meeting new friends. I think this year could be the best years of my life and
will be very important for my life.
I hope to hear from you,
Hmm a może dopiszesz jakieś zdanko czy dwa o prawku?:D Tak poza tym to wydaję mi się, że list jest bardzo fajny i ja bym nic nie dodawała:) Ja też już napisałam list i w sumie tak jak Ty skupiłam się bardziej na opisie rodziny i doświadczenia z dzieciakami:)
OdpowiedzUsuńoooo wlasnie! zupelnie o tym zapomnialam ;)
UsuńDzieki! no wlasnie,bo napisac w liscie o wszystkim i pozniej w filmiku wszystko jeszcze raz przedstawic to robi sie takie masło maślane ;)
W filmiku nie musisz wszystkiego przestawiac. Bez sensu powtarzac znowu to co sie napisalo. Ja bym w filmiku powiedziala cos krotko o sobie, dlaczego chce byc au pair, a reszte bym pokazala :) Co do listu jest ok i widze, ze lubisz Cobena ja tez przeczytalam juz jego prawie wszystkie ksiazki. Zostaly mi juz tylko dwie :D
OdpowiedzUsuńno właśnie, bez sensu. resztę pokazać czyli fotki fotki i jeszcze raz fotki ?:) Dzieki za opinie. No wlasnie ja też koncze:) została mi tylko 1 z Mickey`em,ale w PL chyba jeszcze jej nie ma,a a po ang nie chce czytac
OdpowiedzUsuńzamiast fotek moze lepiej nagraj jak bawisz sie z dziecmi, jezdzisz na rowerze, gotujesz, tanczysz, czytasz. ogolnie, zebys nagrala te rzeczy ktore lubisz robic no i skleila to w jedna calosc :) cos tam mozesz powiedziec na poczatku i na koncu filmiku. kilka zdan. a co do cobena to mi zostalo 'zachowaj spokoj' i 'mistyfikacja' no i 3 ksiazki, ktorych jeszcze nie ma w pl, ale widzialam, ze maja wyjsc jakos w tym roku.
UsuńSporo błędów no ale rodzinki będą wiedzieć jaki masz poziom :)
OdpowiedzUsuńUsunęłabym zdanie "I want spending one year in a typical American family" bo nikt się czuć jak typowa rodzina ;) Jakoś mi to nie brzmi :D
Tak pozatym bardzo ładny list, widać że masz doświadczenie w opiece nad dziećmi - duży plus!
List bardzo fajny :)
OdpowiedzUsuńNo i witam w APiA :)
Hej :)
OdpowiedzUsuńSkontaktuj sie ze mna mailowo : :)